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2018 IGU thematic conference – Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges
június 4, 2018 - június 6, 2018
The conference which will be held under the auspices of the International Geographical Union (IGU) is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) – the largest world-renowned geographical research organization in Russia. This occasion provides an opportunity to make an overview of the domestic and international trends in geography’s development to analyze the growing impact of scientific research internationalization, the aggravation of global problems, changing theoretical paradigms, radical renewal of research methods and predictions’ validity, as well as to strengthen the integration between social and environmental branches of geography.
In addition to fundamental research, Institute of Geography has been closely associated with practical demands aimed at solving urgent national issues related to its research agenda. Its stuff actively participated in the development and examination of territorial concepts, laws and norms regulating environmental protection and large-scale economic programs. Therefore, the main task of the conference is to sum up Russian and international experience in practically oriented research in the fields of social and environmental geography meeting the diverse and critical challenges of the XXI century.
Being the leading geographical scientific institution in Russia, the Institute of Geography RAS has always played a significant role in scientific cooperation between Russian (Soviet) geographers and foreign scholars. Institute of Geography staff have regularly participated in major international programs and projects, while the Russian National Committee of IGU functions in the framework of the Institute. Renowned geographers from the Institute have been repeatedly elected as IGU Commissions’ Chairs and members and Vice-Presidents of IGU. One of the most well-known was the untimely deceased corresponding member of RAS, IGU Vice-President (2000-2005) Nikita F. Glazovsky. The present conference is also dedicated to him and his scientific legacy.
Further information: https://igu-online.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Moscow-2018-IGRAS-eng_v6.pdf