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East Asia’a Future – Opportunities and Prospects of New Initiatives of Cooperation
szeptember 28, 2017
With the Belt and Road Initiative being developed, it is becoming obvious that economic trends and initiatives in East Asia will greatly affect the future of all countries in Eurasia. Through the deeply interconnected global economy, these developments will shape Europe’s economic future and Hungary’s as well, raising several questions to be answered.
The conference will analyse the regional and transcontinental trade agreements currently under negotiation, and high-scale international governmental infrastructure development projects aiming to encourage regional economic integration and growth.
The second panel will focus on prospects of said Belt and Road Initiative which has the potential to transform existing trade patterns in Eurasia. In order to represent the complex international framework of these prospects and the wide scale implications of these trends, we are inviting experts from the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, European partner institutes, and Hungary.
Creating an interactive platform with esteemed East Asian and European experts, we encourage you to take part in a discussion about Eurasia’s economic future.