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Law – Religion – Politics Conference

április 13, 2018 - április 14, 2018

35 years ago, in a very different reality, on the 14th of April 1983, Political and Legal Doctrines Student Organisation has been established. Since them, empires have fallen into pieces, new ones have grown, some of the countries have fallen apart, others have reunited; some members of the student organisation have become academics, many have received PhDs in law, tens became barristers, solicitors, attorneys, or judges. One thing has not changed though – the students’ determination to understand the changes in the world our them, which pushes them towards political and legal doctrines, as they can and do explain them. This year, we invite you for another of our Law – Religion – Politics Conferences, but this time we would like you to focus on the changes in law, religion, and politics which have happened both in Central and Eastern Europe and globally since 1983. As usual, we will also hold one classical panel on political and legal doctrines.
The conference is open to students, PhD students, and full-time academics.
We invite you to send the 250-350 words abstracts until midnight on the 16th of March through this form:
We will inform you about the acceptance until midnight on the 19th of March.
Registration for both conference speakers and conference listeners will open on the 20th of March.
The working languages of the conference are Polish and English.
There will be no conference fee, however the conference dinner will be paid for individually.
The best papers will be published in the journal Acta Erasmiana.
Should you have any questions, please write to us at:


április 13, 2018
április 14, 2018


KN Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych UWr


Wroclaw, Lengyelország