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The Dynamics of African Conflicts in the Early 21th Century – Two Steps Further, One Step Back?
október 5, 2017
After decades of civil wars, genocides and state failures Africa went through significant developments in the early 21th century. The number of violent conflicts has decreased and regions which had suffered from bloody clashes in the 1990s have emerged as the most stable parts of the continent.
Nevertheless, Africa is far from being free of conflicts yet. Overpopulation, climate change, radical ideologies, ethnic and religious tensions, bad governance and weak states provoke political and violent clashes in the continent. Still millions of people live in areas affected by armed violence, starvation, insurgency and terrorism. The aim of the conference is to examine the different trends of conflicts in the continent and to try to offer solutions for them.
The conference is organised by the “Africa in the globalised world” Ludovika Research Group and is supported by the National University of Public Service under the priority project KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 entitled „Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance”. The foreign partner to the conference is the Institute for Global Studies, Rome.
The venue of the conference is the Zrínyi Room of the National University of Public Service, 2 Ludovika Square, Budapest, 1083. Participation in the conference is free, but registration is required here.